Why the private sector supports GCAs Youth Leadership Programme

We know by now that climate change is one of the greatest threats facing humanity, with far-reaching and devastating impacts on people, the environment, and the economy.

C limate change may depress growth in global agriculture yields up to 30 percent by 2050. Rising seas and greater storm surges could force hundreds of millions of people in coastal cities from their homes by 2050. The number of people who may lack sufficient water is likely to soar. And so on.

While many of us might not be around to experience 2050, today’s young generation will be there, literally fighting wildfires.

So, it comes as no surprise that youth across the globe are becoming increasingly vocal and engaged in ensuring an urgent transition to a low-carbon resilient future.

Young people bring new ideas and radical ambition. Efforts to empower and educate youth on climate change mitigation and adaptation is seen by many as a crucial element in our fight against climate change.

This is why the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA),, an international organization which works as a solutions broker to accelerate action and support for adaptation solutions, aims to make youth central to everything they do.

The Youth Leadership Program of the Global Center on Adaptation will be launched at the upcoming Climate Adaptation Summit introducing its five central action pillars: “connect, educate, innovate, advocate, participate”.

The Programme aims to mobilize the next generation of adaptation leaders around the world, empowering youth to make the case for adaptation on the global stage and make their communities more climate resilient by 2030 through action areas like the Youth Adaptation Network, the Youth Adaptation Solutions Challenge, Adaptation Education and Jobs Training, Youth Participation in Adaptation Policy and Young Women Leadership on Adaptation.

Partnership, both public and private, is key to the success of the Youth Leadership Programme. With a programme built on training, innovation and entrepreneurship, the contribution of the private sector is of course key.

GCA is therefore launching this ambitious global Youth Leadership Programme in partnership with a group of leading international companies which believe in the power of youth and their innovative ideas as a means to address climate change and build climate resilience.

These “Youth Leadership Partners” will work with GCA to support youth in bringing innovative ideas to life, build youth climate adaptation expertise, and empower young people to engage in the global conversation on adaptation and resilience.

The companies are representing key regions, and key sectors for efforts to build climate resilience and adaptation; APCO Worldwide, US; Dalmia Bharat Group, India; Enel, Italy; Iberdrola, Spain: Macquaire, Australia; Mkopa, Kenya; Mutual Trust Bank, Bangladesh; Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands; Royal Schiphol Group; Netherlands; South Pole, Switzerland; Swiss Re, Switzerland; Temasek Foundation, Singapore; Willis Tower Watson, UK; and YES Bank, India.

By sharing their expertise and leveraging their innovative capacity, technology and reach, companies will empower talented youth from across the globe with innovative ideas, entrepreneurial spirit and a drive to make a difference and help them develop their innovative climate adaptation solutions.

The partnership will also provide the companies with opportunities to educate their own young staff members on climate resilience and adaptation as part of their own climate journey towards a low-carbon climate resilient world, giving the youth network Adaptation Ambassadors in each company.

The Youth Leadership Programme and the role of the private sector will be discussed at the Climate Adaptation Summit on Tuesday 26 January at 11.25 – 11.55 CET, register for free here https://www.cas2021.com/participants.

Furthermore, the Global Youth Call to Action on Adaptation, the result of a vast consultation carried out by the Youth Adaptation Network involving over hundreds of thousands of young people from 120 countries, will be presented to leaders attending the Summit, on Tuesday 26 January 9.30-11.00 CET. The event that can be followed live on the Climate Adaptation Summit’s website.

Today, the world is home to the largest generation of youth in history – 1.8 billion worldwide – with nearly 90 percent of the global youth living in developing countries.

The role of an empowered youth as a driver for accelerated climate action is tremendously important and we all owe them our fullest support.

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