Rwanda Basket Fund for
Pro-Poor Development

I n Rwanda, climate change is expected to exacerbate existing vulnerabilities further – including high poverty rates, food insecurity, internal displacement, and conflict in semi-arid eastern and southern regions. The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) is supporting local economic development in Rwanda through the Rwanda Pro-Poor Development Basket Fund. The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is supporting the integration of locally led adaptation planning into the activities of the project through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

During the design of GCA’s contribution, Rwanda’s Local Administrative Entities Development Agency requested further support to mainstream locally led adaptation into their existing policies and guidelines for local planning. An opportunity was also identified to pilot the People’s Adaptation Planning process for a new Community Adaptation Fund window to be operationalized by the Rwanda Green Fund. GCA’s support therefore now has the potential to influence nation-wide change through integration into development planning and the Green Fund.

GCA has signed an agreement with BRAC Rwanda to contextualize the People’s Adaptation Planning methodology to the Rwandan context; support integration of this methodology into local development policies and practices; pilot the implementation of the methodology in the two districts of Nyabihu and Ngororero; and build the capacity of local government officials to implement the methodology in other districts.

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Investment Value Influenced by GCA

€40 million

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Implementation Period



GCA’s Added Value

  • Supporting local leadership in efforts to build the climate resilience of the poor in Rwanda
  • Strengthening local ownership of climate resilience and local development plans
  • Leveraging development investments to implement the plans
  • Strengthening the capacity of community leaders, and of public and private sector stakeholders, to understand and address local climate risks and vulnerabilities

Expected Outcomes

GCA’s support aims to integrate locally led adaptation and resilience practices into local economic development efforts, leveraging development investments to climate-proof investments in poverty reduction.