National Integrated Livestock Development Program in Senegal

T he Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is integrating digital climate advisory services into the African Development Bank’s National Integrated Livestock Development Program in Senegal. GCA is providing support through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

The program’s goal is to develop a competitive, climate-resilient livestock value chain that provides sustainable employment to Senegalese people while also contributing to improving Senegal’s food sovereignty. The investment project will provide support to raise productivity in the livestock sector, particularly in dairy production; build the capacity of producers to incorporate the use of digital climate advisory services in decision-making to improve climate resilience; facilitate multi-stakeholder platforms that advance actions to support livestock farmers; and create jobs in the livestock sector, particularly for women and youth.

GCA is preparing a detailed climate risk assessment to analyze the climate vulnerability of livestock value chains. This analysis will be used to identify constraints and opportunities for investment by private sector players in digital tools for adaptation. GCA will help sustain project outcomes by embedding capacity for professional bodies of pastoralists, focused on digital tools for resilience building in the livestock sector.

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Investment Value Influenced by GCA

US$82 million

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950,000 value chain actors

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Implementation Period



GCA’s Added Value

GCA is integrating climate adaptation into the program by:

  • Analyzing climate vulnerability and livestock value chain risks
  • Identifying investment constraints and opportunities for private sector players in digital tools for adaptation
  • Facilitating multi-stakeholder dialogues, actions, and conditions to incentivize actors to increase their commitment to climate adaptation in the livestock sector
  • Capacity-building training for professional bodies of pastoralists focused on digital tools to build resilience in the livestock sector
  • Assessing the Senegal adaptation jobs labor market by:

  • Identifying adaptation jobs potential using climate adaptation taxonomy
  • Scoping existing enterprises and markets gaps, and recommendations to create adaptation jobs
  • Upskilling existing enterprises identified under the Labour Market Assessment
  • Enterprise creation linked to the Labour Market Assessment
  • Capacity-building in climate adaptation for youth-led enterprises in the agriculture and livestock value-chains

Expected Outcomes

GCA’s support will climate-proof the investment and reinforce the following project outcomes:

  • 18,000 jobs created for youth and women in animal value chains
  • 3,500 businesses created in animal value chains
  • 1,200 fodder entrepreneurs trained and installed
  • 2,000 direct beneficiaries via the value chain actors
  • 950,000 indirect beneficiaries, 51% of whom are women and youth
  • 10,950,000 liters of dairy products produced using local milk