Livestock Productivity and Resilience Support Project in Nigeria

T he Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is building climate resilience and food security for livestock farmers in Nigeria by mainstreaming climate adaptation into the World Bank Group-financed $500 million Livestock Productivity and Resilience Support Project. GCA is providing this support through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

The investment’s goal is to improve the productivity of the livestock value chain for over 1.4 million people to mitigate key drivers of farmer-herder conflicts in selected states in Nigeria. The project willachieve these outcomes by increasing livestock productivity, improving food and nutrition security, encouraging income growth, and building social cohesion among communal groups. These measures will help ensure greater livestock resilience and minimize environmental degradation and emissions from the sector.

GCA is providing technical assistance to ensure the investment incorporates climate risk considerations and digital adaptation solutions in the livestock chain in Nigeria. GCA will conduct climate risk assessments to promote an understanding of the enabling environment and its capacity for adaptation so that interventions are well-targeted and contribute to the overall resilience and food security of the population. GCA will use the AAAP Smallholder Adaptation Accelerator, an analytical tool to help influence decision-making around adaptation, to integrate digital climate services into the investment project.

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Investment Value Influenced by GCA

US$500 million

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1.43 million people in Nigeria and
45 million livestock

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Implementation Period



GCA’s Added Value

GCA’s interventions include:

  • Assessing climate risks and incorporating digital adaptation solutions in the livestock sector into the project’s design
  • Identifying opportunities, constraints, and entry points for investments to promote climate adaptation across livestock value chains
  • Establishing an inventory of applicable, existing, and viable digital tools and climate-smart digital agriculture solutions and platforms for the livestock sector
  • Developing a micro-region rural risk typology to establish a climate risk map of smallholder livestock in the country

Expected Outcomes

GCA’s support will improve these project outcomes:

  • 45 million livestock benefitting from digital climate adaptation solutions, supporting 1,430,000 individuals
  • 50,000 farmers adopting improved agricultural technologies
  • 1,000,000 hectares of grazing area transitioned to sustainable land management practices, of which 150,000 hectares are now cultivated using digital climate-enabled solutions
  • 60 livestock infrastructure systems rehabilitated with climate and disaster-resilient practices

Project news