Liberia Urban Resilience Project

T he Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is supporting on-the-ground climate adaptation efforts implemented under the World Bank Group-financed Liberia Urban Resilience Project in the capital city, Greater Monrovia, and three secondary cities: Buchanan, Gbarnga, and Ganta. GCA is providing this support through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

The project’s goal is to increase flood resilience and access to urban infrastructure in vulnerable informal neighborhoods, thereby enhancing the climate resilience of these communities. Concurrently, the project will strengthen municipal and institutional capacities in Liberia, improving integrated urban management.

GCA is providing technical assistance to the project by integrating community-driven design into the climate risk profiling and enumeration process in the urban informal settlements of Greater Monrovia and the three secondary cities. This is achieved by developing a community engagement strategy and offering suggestions on integrating community involvement at key points in the project cycle.

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Investment Value Influenced by GCA

US$20 billion

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200,000 people (50% women) in Greater Monrovia, Buchanan, Gbarnga and Ganta

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Implementation Period



GCA’s Added Value

GCA’s interventions include:

  • Community-driven risk profiling and enumeration of neighborhoods in Northern Bushrod and South-eastern Paynesville
  • Community engagement strategy developed to guide World Bank-financed climate adaptation projects, based on prior community-driven enumeration efforts

Expected Outcomes

GCA will strengthen the following outcomes:

  • Integrated understanding of climate hazards and risks in 15 communities in Southern Paynesville and 37 in Northern Bushrod Island in Greater Monrovia
  • Strengthened capacity of the Government of Liberia staff to engage with local communities and conduct community-driven risk enumeration and profiling
  • 200,000 people benefitting from improved urban infrastructure
  • 340 hectares of area protected from flooding

Project stories

Project news