Kenya Urban Support Program II

T he Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is working with the World Bank Group to strengthen the public sector capacity of Kenyan counties and municipal boards to implement climate-resilient urban services and planning under the Kenya Urban Support Program – II. GCA is providing this support through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

As a “Program-for-Results” financing instrument, the program uses performance grants to incentivize sub-national governments to implement climate-resilient and inclusive urban planning and service delivery. Its goals include strengthening institutional capacity to improve the resilience of urban infrastructure and service delivery, enhancing private sector engagement in resilient urban planning, and supporting the transition of refugee camps into integrated settlements in a climate-adaptive manner.

GCA is providing upstream technical support to the investment. Its interventions address climate vulnerabilities in Kenya’s fast-growing urban areas – especially secondary cities – where residents are increasingly exposed to more frequent and disruptive climate events. The support focuses on urban planning, green infrastructure investment, and capacity building through training.

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Investment Value Influenced by GCA

~US$350 million

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45 counties
6 cities
62 municipalities across Kenya

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Implementation Period



GCA’s Added Value

GCA is enabling climate-resilient urban planning and development through:

  • Risk-informed Master Plans that guide the integration of climate data within investment planning
  • Nature-based Solutions Catalogue that provides country-specific technical guidance for implementing climate-resilient and green urban infrastructure within the scope of large-scale programs
  • Urban Resilience Masterclass designed to develop practical skills on risk-informed master planning, climate finance, and resilient infrastructure among other topics, along with a training-of-trainers

Expected Outcomes

GCA is strengthening adaptation outcomes by:

  • Structuring and developing sub-national urban planning systems
  • Improving access to inclusive, climate-resilient urban infrastructure and services in 45 counties, six cities, and 62 municipalities across Kenya, reaching an expected 3,500,000 people
  • Supporting climate adaptation measures in urban settlements, such as the implementation of climate-smart urban drainage systems, facilitating urban agriculture, and other Nature-based Solutions

Project news