Investment in Digital and Creative Enterprises Program in Nigeria

T he Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is working with the African Development Bank and the Federal Government of Nigeria to mainstream climate adaptation and resilience into the Investment in Digital and Creative Enterprises project (i-DICE). GCA is providing this support through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

i-DICE is a Federal Government of Nigeria Program that promotes investing in information and communications technology and creative industries. This is part of the government’s efforts to build back better, greener, and more inclusively, supporting the government’s agenda to create more sustainable jobs during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

To guide the project, GCA is helping define, identify, and measure adaptation jobs. GCA is also providing support to identify the skills required for adaptation jobs, which will be mainstreamed into the skills training activities of the program. By drawing attention to the importance of supporting adaptation-focused entrepreneurs in upscaling and boosting youth entrepreneurship, GCA’s intervention aims to ensure that 30% of the jobs created through the project are adaptation jobs.

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Investment Value Influenced by GCA

US$620 million

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6.1 million citizens from Nigeria

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Implementation Period



GCA’s Added Value

GCA is providing the following technical assistance to the project:

  • Feasibility studies and assessment of job opportunities in adaptation within the program, to identify and measure possible adaptation jobs that can be created through the program
  • Assessment of skills required for new adaptation jobs to be harnessed from the program, to support the skill development components

Expected Outcomes

GCA’s technical assistance will reinforce the following outcomes:

  • 849,970 jobs created (77,270 direct and 772,700 indirect), of which 30% are adaptation jobs (255,000)
  • 175,000 youths trained in ICT skills
  • 75 Enterprise Support Organizations with strengthened capacity
  • 270 start-ups supported to access business development services
  • 250 unemployed post-graduate youth supported
  • Up to $331.7 million in additional financing mobilized for 226 innovative startups
  • 30 to 50% of impact will benefit young women