Ethiopia Wheat Value Chain Project

T he Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is scaling up the use of climate-smart technologies in the African Development Bank’s Ethiopia Wheat Value Chain Project. GCA is providing this support through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

The project’s goal is to produce an additional 4.2 million tons of irrigated wheat at an average productivity of 4.2 tons/hectare, thereby increasing the incomes of small-scale farmers. This will be achieved by accelerating the adoption of yield-enhancing and climate-adapted innovations and extension services; enabling market linkages, agri-finance, and private investments; and strengthening institutional capacity for results-based implementation.

GCA will provide technical assistance by conducting studies on climate
vulnerability risk assessment and scaling up climate digital advisory services across the value chain.

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Investment Value Influenced by GCA

US$94 million

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500,000 smallholder households
2,300,000 people in Ethiopia

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Implementation Period



GCA’s Added Value

GCA is integrating fine-grained climate-risk information and fit-for-purpose digital adaptation solutions by:

  • Conducting sustainability analysis for Ethiopia using Living Standards Measurement Study – Integrated Surveys on Agriculture
  • Facilitating the development of an inventory of digital or data-enabled adaption solutions that can be upscaled into the project 
  • Facilitating the production of a feasibility study and blueprint of the integration of digital adaptation solutions into the wheat value chain 
  • Supporting capacity building of extension agents and stakeholders involved in deploying digital climate advisory services (DCAS) and digital adaptation solutions
  • Facilitating the integration and/or co-design of DCAS and adaptation solutions in a wheat farmer registration system

Expected Outcomes

GCA’s technical assistance will contribute to securing these climate-risk responsive and sustainable outcomes:

  • 250,000 farmers practicing climate-smart agriculture
  • 600,000 farmer households benefitting from extension and climate advisory services
  • 25,000 hectares under irrigation and improved water management
  • 200 women trained as wheat researchers and extension agents 
  • 200 women trained as leaders in wheat cooperatives

Project news