Delivering Adaptation Finance for Africa

GCA Pavilion, COP27 Blue Zone, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

12 November 2022, 10:00 EGY

On Adaptation Day at COP27, GCA is convening partners from across Africa and globally for a series of policy dialogues informed by the findings of its flagship State and Trends in Adaptation Report 2022

Event description:

This policy dialogue on Delivering Adaptation Finance for Africa is a one-hour in-person event held in GCA’s pavilion in the Blue Zone. The dialogue will aim to:

  • Unpack the needs, challenges and opportunities that underpin the shortfall in funding for climate adaptation in Africa. 
  • Showcase and discuss viable solutions and innovations for scaling up adaptation financing emerging from the report and from the experience of policy-makers and relevant stakeholders. 
  • Share and disseminate relevant evidence to contribute to well-informed policy, programming and investment choices. 

The dialogue is designed as an interactive discussion among leading experts and policy-makers, guided by the following framing questions: 

  • How can we mainstream resilience into investment decision-making? Where are the key bottlenecks?
  • What key innovative finance instruments have potential for scaling? What are the key challenges?
  • What role can development partners play to promote climate adaptation finance on the ground and mobilize private capital?

The session will be moderated by Prof. Jamal Saghir, Senior Advisor, Global Center on Adaptation and Co-Director of the State and Trends in Adaptation Report, and will feature interventions by high-level discussants and policymakers. It will conclude with a moderated question-and-answer session. 


Introductory Remarks

  • Prof. Patrick Verkooijen, CEO, Global Center on Adaptation 

Opening Keynotes

  • Hon. Jeanne d’Arc Mujawamariya, Minister of Environment, Republic of Rwanda 
  • Feike Sijbesma, Co-Chair, Global Center on Adaptation; Honorary Chair, Royal DSM; Member of the Board of Trustees, World Economic Forum 

Framing Presentation

Opening Keynotes

  • Birgit Pickel, Director-General for Africa, BMZ 
  • Danny Alexander, Vice-President Strategy and Policy, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 
  • Kevin Kariuki, Vice President for Power, Energy, Climate and Green Growth, African Development Bank 
  • Jean-Paul Adam, Director for Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resources Management, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa 

Moderated Q&A