Climate Risk Assessment Lecture: Case Study on Quantitative Assessment on Flood Risk and Risk Mapping

This is a private event

Fuzhou, China

4 June 2024, 9:30 CET

The GCA team will facilitate a lecture session with the officials from Fuzhou’s various government sectors on the topic of climate risk assessment. In this session, experts will introduce various comprehensive methodologies, tools and best practices to officials to understand how to design a plan, mobilize resources and implement a climate risk assessment through cross-sector cooperation. This lecture session can encompass the scientific and implementation layers of the International Panel on Deltas, Coastal Areas and Islands (IPDC), fostering a multidisciplinary approach to address climate resilience in deltas. 

Event description

With support from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China (MEE), GCA in collaboration with Weihai City co-host a series of knowledge-sharing events designed to raise awareness about climate adaptation and enhance the capacities of government officials from 2023. The overall objective is to support the implementation of China’s National Adaptation Strategy 2035 by contributing to the roll-out of the new stage for China to in depth promote the climate-adaptive pilot cities program.
Given the demands from other pilot cities to learn more about international good practices and respond to the initiative from MEE on in-depth building climate adaptive pilot cities, GCA will continue to support Dalian City and Fuzhou City to enhance their knowledge of climate adaptation and resilience in urban areas through targeted knowledge exchange that brings good international practices.
This project is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management under the International Panel on Deltas and Coastal Areas (IPDC) and supported by Deltares, GCA, and other partners. The IPDC has a strategic goal to contribute to a more climate-resilient future in deltas, coastal areas, and small islands. It aims to achieve this by fostering political coalitions and partnerships and co-developing advanced shared knowledge and capacity on climate risks and resilience. Additionally, it brings scientific and expert insights as well as practical knowledge to policymakers, offering guidance on available best practices, investment opportunities, and finance mechanisms.


This lecture aims to build the capacity of government officials from climate-relevant sectors in coastal areas to strengthen their climate risk assessment by sharing the best practices on quantitative assessment of flood risk and risk mapping.