A Resilient Food Future: Scaling Digital Climate Advisory Services for Impact


29 July 2021, 15:00 CET

Event description:

The paper’s authors will show how Digital Climate-informed Advisory Services can help millions of small-scale farmers—the backbone of our global food system—better adapt to a more variable and ever-changing climate. Digital Climate-informed Advisory Services are tools and platforms that integrate climate information into agricultural decision-making. These services can be digital services (mobile apps, radio, online platforms) as well as digitally enabled services (bulletins, extension services).

Specifically, the event will highlight how donors and stakeholders can increase global investment in DCAS to reach 300 million small-scale agricultural producers by 2030. Authors will put forward core principles for good practice in DCAS investments and provide recommendations on how to target investment in a sustainable and equitable way.

The event will conclude with testimonies from farmers, service providers, and donors, who will speak to their own experiences with DCAS, offering real-world examples of how these tools and platforms are integrated into agricultural decision-making.


  • Ann Vaughan, Senior Advisor for Climate Change, Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, USAID
  • Anthony Nyong, Regional Director, Africa, Global Center on Adaptation Organization
  • Bruce Campbell, Senior Advisor, Global Center on Adaptation; Director, CGIAR Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
  • Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio, Senior Adaptation and Resilience Advisor, World Resources Institute
  • Katiuscia Fara, Senior Climate and DRR Advisor, World Food Programme
  • Mandefro Nigussie, CEO, Agricultural Transformation Agency, Ethiopia
  • Sok Sotha, Founder and Managing Director, Cambodian Farmer Federation Association of Agricultural Producers; Board Member, World Farmers Organization
  • Steven Zebiak, Special Research Scientist, Climate Services Partnership, International Research Institute for Climate and Society, Earth Institute, Columbia University
  • Susan Chomba, Director of Vital Landscapes, World Resources Institute, Africa
  • Tony Siantonas, Director, Scaling Positive Agriculture, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
  • Tyler Ferdinand, Associate, World Resources Institute
  • Victoria Clause, Climate Smart Agriculture and Technology Expert, Mercy Corps AgriFin