GCA Research
for Impact

Our Research for Impact Center is hosted by the Municipality of Groningen in the Netherlands and located at the University campus of Zernike. We develop academic and training programs on adaptation to empower scholars and professionals as well as serving as an adaptation incubator to globalize the exchange of adaptation knowledge which would have otherwise remained geographically constrained.

GCA Research for Impact Center

c/o Energy Academy Europe
Nijenborgh 6
9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands
+31 88 088 6800

Adaptation Knowledge Portal

The Adaptation Knowledge Portal makes information and knowledge on adaptation accessible and actionable – as a comprehensive online source connecting adaptation science, policy and practice. The portal provides four main services:

  • providing open access and interactive visualization of data and knowledge
  • facilitating knowledge-sharing and learning
  • guiding and enabling the implementation of adaptation solutions
  • providing a coherent global perspective on adaptation

Contact Information

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Gül Tuçaltan

Manager, Research for Impact