Senegal Water Security and Sanitation Program

T he Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is supporting the World Bank Group in implementing Phase l of the Senegal Water Security and Sanitation Program. GCA is supporting this program through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

The overall program development objective is to improve water security in selected areas of Senegal. It will be implemented through a multi-phase programmatic approach using a mix of instruments, in particular investment project financing and program for results. The program will benefit 1,500,000 people who will have enhanced access to water supply services and 800,000 people who will have safely managed sanitation.

GCA will support Phase I, which focuses on designing and testing interventions through climate risk analysis, identifying pathways to build resilience, and documenting lessons for capacity building. GCA will support innovations geared towards improving resilience and adaptive capacity in the water and sanitation sector. These innovations will be scaled in subsequent phases of the program.

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Investment Value Influenced by GCA

US$260 million

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1.5 million people

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Implementation Period



GCA’s Added Value

GCA support includes:

  • Conducting a climate risk assessment in the selected project area to identify climate-related risks associated with wastewater reuse for irrigation. This assessment will evaluate the potential for reusing of treated urban wastewater to increase the climate resilience of agriculture in the surrounding areas. Based on the results, GCA will outline suitable adaptation measures for the risks identified and pilot interventions. 
  • Conducting a policy, institutions, and regulations review to identify the relevant formal and informal pathways for scaling up adaptation measures.
  • Documenting lessons learned and tools developed for scaling and replication in subsequent phases of the program.

Expected Outcomes

GCA support will contribute to:

  • Enhancing sanitation and water supply services within a circular economy by integrating a deeper understanding of climate risks into water management practices, leading to more sustainable and resilient infrastructure.
  • Implementing targeted adaptation measures that effectively mitigate the climate risks associated with water and irrigation infrastructure in target areas.
  • Identifying gaps and optimal pathways within policy, institutional, and regulatory frameworks that will guide the future scaling up of climate adaptation measures. This will lay the groundwork for developing strategies and interventions that can be effectively implemented to enhance water management and resilience in Senegal.
  • Comprehensively documenting best practices and practical tools that enable the replication and scaling of successful adaptation measures in future phases of the program.

Project news