Support Program for the Water Sector and for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in Burundi

T he Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is working with the the African Development Bank on preparing and implementing Phase I of the Support Program for the Water Sector and for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change in Burundi (Programme d’Appui au Secteur de l’Eau et de Renforcement de la Résilience au Changement Climatique or PASAREC). GCA is supporting this project through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

The project aims to strengthen the climate resilience of water supply infrastructure and the sustainable improvement of the socio-economic living conditions of the populations in the project implementation area, while also building institutional capacities for efficient management of water resources and hydraulic works in Burundi.

The project has two main components:

  • Developing resilient hydraulic, hydro-agricultural infrastructure specifically targeting water supply infrastructure development in eight provinces of Burundi
  • Supporting the sustainable management of water resources and management of drinking water and sanitation infrastructure by:
    a) developing seven masterplans for water resource management,
    b) developing or updating integrated water resources management implementation tools,
    c) improving knowledge on hydrometeorological risks,
    d) conducting needs assessment for the implementation of early warning systems, and
    e) enhancing capacities for hydro-meteorological monitoring.

Through these activities, the program contributes to the government’s efforts to increase access to safe drinking water to 100% of the population by 2025. The project’s support for watershed conservation and water sector reforms are key elements for enhancing climate change adaptation in the country.

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Investment Value Influenced by GCA

US$15 million

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1,275,110 inhabitants (50% women) in 15 municipalities

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Implementation Period



GCA’s Added Value

GCA’s interventions include:

  • A climate risk assessment that comprehensively identifies climate hotspots and associated risks.
  • Strategic recommendations based on the climate risk assessment that identify adaptation needs and opportunities and design a suite of adaptation measures for increasing the resilience of the target catchments and water service assets, which are to be implemented under the project.
  • Technical support to organize a stakeholder consultation on climate risks assessment in Burundi and draft a Project Information Form to access additional funding from the Global Environment Facility.

Expected Outcomes

  • Populations in targeted rural areas, especially women, have access to secure and climate-resilient drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services, and related jobs.
  • Climate-resilient drinking water supply and sanitation projects in three provinces (Gitega, Mwaro, Kayanza) and a modernization plan (‘villagization’) for four villages are prepared and made available to the government and development partners.
  • Irrigated agricultural production is improved and income-generating activities for women and youth are supported.
  • Climate-resilient rural drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene services in Bubanza, Cibitoke, Cankuzo, Rutana, and Ruyigi Provinces.

Project news