Ghana Tree Crop Diversification Project

T he Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is mainstreaming climate adaptation and resilience into the World Bank’s Ghana Tree Crop Diversification Project. The project’s goal is to improve economic, climate, and social resilience in selected tree crop value chains – cocoa, cashew, coconut, and rubber – in Ghana. GCA is supporting this project through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

The project has three technical components:

  • institutional strengthening and value chain governance
  • improving productivity and climate resilience
  • supporting post-harvest management, processing, value addition, and market access

GCA is raising the profile of climate adaptation solutions in the design and implementation of the project. GCA’s technical assistance is providing climate risk and vulnerability assessments to guide effective implementation and decision making, co-design adaptation options, and build the capacity of key stakeholders to implement the climate resilience components of the project.

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Investment Value Influenced by GCA

US$227 million

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842,000 cocoa, cashew, rubber and coconut farmers in Ghana

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Implementation Period



GCA’s Added Value

GCA provides targeted support to the project by:

  • Conducting climate risk assessment and enhanced climate information advisory services incorporating big data technologies
  • Conducting extensive climate risks and vulnerabilities assessments of the tree crop sub-sector in Ghana, with a focus on cocoa, cashew, coconut, oil palm, rubber, shea, and mango, to understand the extent of climate risk and the implications for tree crop productivity, economic viability, government earnings, and livelihoods of farmers and other value chain actors in the sub-sector
  • Identifying adaptation options for tree crop value chains to facilitate the design of digital advisory
  • Co-designing an ex-ante investment valuation for implementation of digital adaptation solutions and e-extension of cocoa and tree crop value chains in project areas 
  • Building capacity to implement climate-smart e-extension in project areas

Expected Outcomes

GCA’s tailored support to the project will ensure the achievement of the following outcomes:

  • 41% overall increase in yields produced by targeted tree crops (cocoa 70%, cashew 30%, coconut 40%, rubber 25%)
  • 52,775 farmers adopting improved agricultural technology (19,790 or close to 40% women)
  • 10,000 cocoa farmers with access to e-extension and inputs
  • 12 existing varieties that are adaptable for different ecological zones (for coconut, cashew, rubber)
  • 92,000 hectares of tree crop area traceable through digital systems
  • 92,200 hectares of land area under sustainable landscape management practices (cocoa 25,000 hectares, cashew 51,200 hectares, coconut 6,400 hectares, rubber 9,600 hectares)

Project news