Nigeria – Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zones Program Phase 1 Project

T he Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is mainstreaming climate adaptation job creation into the African Development Bank’s Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zones Program. The program is being implemented in the Federal Capital Territory and seven states (Kano, Kaduna, Oyo, Kwara, Ogun, Imo and Cross River) in Nigeria. GCA is providing this support through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

The program will support economic and social development programs of the Federal Government of Nigeria and the participating States, contributing to rural infrastructure development, improved access to agricultural markets, increased farm productivity, agricultural technology promotion, and agribusiness and job creation.

The key development objectives are to sustainably contribute to poverty alleviation and to reduce hunger and inequality while addressing constraints to agribusiness competitiveness by furthering opportunities for economic diversification, job creation, building climate resilience, and improved livelihoods in Nigeria.

GCA’s intervention will ensure that 30% of the jobs created through the project are adaptation jobs. This will be done through recommendations to support adaptation-focused entrepreneurs in upscaling and boosting youth entrepreneurship.

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Investment Value Influenced by GCA

US$538 million

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1,500,000 households in Nigeria

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Implementation Period



GCA’s Added Value

GCA is providing the following technical assistance to the project:

  • Feasibility studies and assessment of job opportunities in adaptation within the program, to identify and measure possible adaptation jobs that can be created through the program
  • Assessment of skills required for new adaptation jobs to be harnessed from the program, to support the skill development components

Expected Outcomes

GCA’s support for the African Development Bank and Federal Government of Nigeria will reinforce the project’s outcomes:

  • 500,000 jobs created (100,000 direct and 400,000 indirect) of which 30 percent are adaptation jobs (150,000)
  • 10,000 small and medium-sized enterprises supported