Banjul Port 4th Expansion Project

T he Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) supported the identification, appraisal, and integration of climate adaptation measures in the African Development Bank’s Banjul Port 4th Expansion Project in The Gambia. GCA provided this upstream support through the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

GCA conducted detailed climate hazard modeling and assessed the exposure and vulnerability of the port’s assets and operations and that of the Tanbi Wetland Complex, which lies adjacent to the port area. Based on this analysis, GCA delivered a prioritized investment plan with actionable options to mitigate the direct and indirect impacts of future climate hazards on the port, including restoring the Tanbi Wetland Complex, upgrading the Bund access road, and installing a real-time multi-climate hazards early warning system. These options provide significant benefits in terms of minimizing port operation downtime and securing port revenues.

The African Development Bank and The Gambia Ports Authority used GCA’s technical assistance for the advanced technical design and project implementation, which included resilience and adaptation options from the prioritized investment plan. One such option was reinforcing the Bund access road to decrease its vulnerability to sea-level rise and extreme temperature.

Based on the project, the Minister of Finance & Economic Affairs of The Gambia requested additional upstream technical assistance from GCA to support the integration of climate adaptation and resilience solutions in The Gambia’s Integrated Transport Masterplan.

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Investment Value Influenced by GCA

US$129 billion

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6,000 direct and indirect beneficiaries

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Implementation Period



GCA’s Added Value

GCA is providing the following upstream technical assistance to the project:

  • Quantifying key climate hazards and their corresponding impacts on assets and services
  • Performing vulnerability stress tests of the port
  • Identifying and appraising relevant adaptation and resilience options, with a focus on Nature-Based Solutions and other hybrid green-grey solutions
  • Generated an adaptation investment plan to reduce $27 million in estimated damages and avoid 3 percent annual losses in port operations, requiring $10.3 million (9 percent of the port upgrade cost) in additional financing

Expected Outcomes

GCA’s support will climate-proof the investment and reinforce the following project outcomes:

  • Expanding and strengthening of the Banjul Wharf jetty to provide adequate shipping and container handling capacity
  • Relocating the Banjul Ferry Terminal in a least climate expose location and acquire 2 new ferries for Banjul/Barra crossing points and Port digitization
  • Improving the traffic flow and resilience of a 3-kilometer road leading to the Port of Banjul

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