Zambia Growth Opportunities Project

T he Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is mainstreaming climate adaptation and agricultural resilience into the policy, agricultural investments and solutions, and capacity building of the World Bank Group’s investment project Zambia Growth Opportunities. GCA is providing technical support in collaboration with the Indaba Agricultural Policy and Research Institute (IAPRI) under the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP).

The project will promote agricultural diversification and sustainability and improve the resilience of the agri-food sector against weather variability by mainstreaming climate adaptation solutions. The project will deliver on these goals by enhancing policies and institutions and improving services, infrastructure, and assets.

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Investment Value Influenced by GCA

US$300 million

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1.2 million people in Zambia

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Implementation Period



GCA’s Added Value

GCA is mainstreaming adaptation by:

  • Assessing the climate risks threatening major value chains (such as maize, groundnuts, sorghum, and rice) and identifying appropriate digital adaptation solutions that will reduce negative impacts
  • Organizing training and capacity-building sessions on Digital Climate Agricultural Services for farmers, extension agents, and youth
  • Facilitating multi-stakeholder policy engagement sessions to promote private sector investments in scaling up digital adaptation solutions
  • Identifying potential opportunities for adaptation jobs through the project

Expected Outcomes

Through GCA’s assistance, the following outcomes will be much more effectively and sustainably achieved:

  • 605,000 hectares under climate-resilient technologies and practices for crop production
  • 5,000 jobs generated in areas benefiting from irrigation support
  • 600,000 farmers including a minimum of 160,000 women receiving extension services and completing training on climate-smart agriculture technologies and related extension services
  • 1,400,000 metric tons of maize exports

Project news

Project events